
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Teacher's Pet

Hi everyone!
Before I begin, I'd like to apologize for being gone for sooo long... I was away in California for 10 days, and when I came back I had to prepare for school. I finally found time for a design tonight... the night before school starts! So, here you go.
I thought about a stereotypical school-themed item: an apple. I decided to paint apple french tips! I'm not used to experimenting with french tips, so my design isn't exactly perfect. None of my designs are perfect. But I do like how this came out!
I started with a base of OPI Did You 'Ear About Van Gogh? Then I added apple tips using OPI InStyle Red. Finally, I added leaves and stems with NK Grin and Illamasqua Taint. Here are the results:
Yes, I added a watermark... Technically, it's not actually a watermark, but it is there for the same reason: to protect my work. I used eyeliner to do this... hahaha. Oh well. If you don't like this, please comment. I don't want anyone to stop reading my blog because of an invading watermark.
I'm going to be quite busy now as I'm starting school, but I'll hopefully be able to post more frequently than I did this summer because I won't be going away any time soon. I hope that no one minds I've taken a break!
Keep reading for more fall-themed fun!
'Til next time,
Caroline S.


  1. omg eyeliner on da hands... memories!!

