
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tribal Print Mani= Awesome!!!

Hi everyone!
Sorry for posting so late, but I had to finish my science fair project. Oh well... Anyway, I decided to do a tribal print mani today. I had been waiting for a while to do this, so when I finally had time to try it I figured there was no reason not to!
Here it is:
Awesome, right? I was really excited about how this turned out! It was slightly messy since I didn't really have anything to work from, but I think it still came out really well. (If you can't see it, you can click it to enlarge it, as with all the other pictures on this site.) As a base, I used Simple Pleasures in Peach. For the designs, I used: Sinful Colors in Snow Me White, Wet and Wild in Ebony Hates Chris, Essie in Turquoise and Caicos, and OPI in Did You 'Ear About Van Gogh?
I'm really glad I decided to try this, and I hope you like it!
I'm going back to school tomorrow, so I might not be able to post quite as frequently.
Keep reading for more nail fun!
'Til next time,