
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Quick Update!

Hi everyone!
Sorry to be posting so late, but I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I'm working on a few more frankens, all full of glitter topcoat-y goodness! Unfortunately I can't post pictures yet, because the labels aren't finished, but I'll try to post them tomorrow. Good night, and keep reading for more!
'Til next time,
Caroline S.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

That Perfume

Hi everyone!
Sorry it's been so long since I posted (again!). I hope it's okay that I've been posting less frequently, but lately I just haven't had the time to post that often. Because I had a bit of free time (and I really needed to trim my nails), I decided that today would be a good day to make a new franken. I had bought some glitter a while ago, and I had an almost-full bottle of topcoat. I mixed a few different glitters in, but I eventually decided on a gorgeous green micro glitter that was perfect for a polish (especially because I love green polish!). I poured in all the glitter (which was really messy), and... voila! A brand new franken polish!!! I decided to name it That Perfume, after a new Gumi Megpoid song that I recently found. It's a really good song, you should listen to it!!! Gumi's hair is green, so I thought that naming it after one of her songs would be perfect. After I made the polish, I painted my nails with a two base coats of Sinful Colors Innocent, just so that the polish (which is a glitter topcoat) wouldn't let my bare nails show through! After Innocent dried, I put on two coats of That Perfume, which covered the nail perfectly--not an overload of glitter, but not way too sparse like some glitters I've owned before. Here are the results:
Sorry that my fingers are covering up part of the label, but you probably knew what it said already! As you can see, not only does the polish itself look pretty, but I tried to make the label look nice, too. The label on my last franken wasn't terrible, but it wasn't anything special, either. I actually took the time to cut out the pretty heart shape on this one! :) I hope you like it, as I definitely do. The only problem is that the glitter keeps floating to the bottom, but I guess that's to be expected of this kind of franken.
I'll be away over thanksgiving, but I might be able to post soon after that!
Have a great thanksgiving, everyone, and keep reading for more nail art!
'Til next time,
Caroline S.